Because I value God's teaching in the Bible, I choose to believe and follow its teachings.


What To Believe


The Bible teaches that baptism by immersion is a symbol of my death to sin and resurrection to a new life in Christ. Therefore, I am baptized to show I am converted and join God's family.


I choose to believe the Bible teaching of Baptism.


Baptism by immersion (being lowered beneath the water) is a symbol of our union with Christ, our acceptance of His pure life, God's willingness to forgive our sins, and our reception into God's family.

Artwork Music

See flipchart


Baptize Us Anew, SDAH 258
Come Holy Spirit, SDAH 269

Student Life Applications

Taking Baptismal studies and learning about salvation and the Bible teachings;
Showing others publicly, that you have accepted Jesus and want to join His church;
Symbolically dying to sin and resurrecting to a new life in Christ;
Following Christ's example of going down into the water of Baptism;
Joining the Adventist church by vote after being baptised into Christ's body;
Life-long commitment to follow Christ and trust in His Saving Grace;
Putting away old person of sin and turing my life over to Jesus 100 percent;
Knowing that being baptised doesn't mean that I will not sin again;

Bible, E.G. White

How important is Baptism? -- Matthew 3:15 --"Permit it to be so now....for thus is it fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness"
"One Baptism" -- Ephesians 4:5 --"one baptism"
The Meaning of Baptism -- Colossians 2:12 -- "buried with Him in baptism"
Qualifications for Baptism -- Mark 16:16 -- "He who believes and is baptized will be saved"
The Fruit of Baptism -- Colossians 3:1, 2 -- "If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is,...not on things of the earth"


Reinforcing Stories

The Children's Hour III, pg 100, by Arthur S. Maxwell


Student Activities

1. Show the students some obvious marks or dirt on your hands. Then wash with water and cleanse your hands. Jesus washes away our sins during baptism. It is a symbol of reality.
2. Give each student a small piece of masking tape. Let him touch the floor or some other surface that LOOKS clean. When he discovers dirty stuff on the tape, talk about the sins that people don't see. Use broom and dustpan to sweep up the tape covered with stuff. Jesus sweeps away our sins forever. Read Psalm 103:12.


Links to the Curriculum

Biology: Germination of seeds involves death. Baptism symbolizes death.
Chemistry: Baptism makes a new nature like adding to a solution makes a new formula.


Children's Hour by Arthur Maxwell

By baptism we confess our faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and testify of our death to sin and of our purpose to walk in newness of life. Thus we acknowledge Christ as Lord and Savior, become His people, and are received as members by His church. Baptism is a symbol of our union with Christ, the forgiveness of our sins and our reception of the Holy Spirit. It is by immersion in water and is contingent on an affirmation of faith in Jesus and evidence of repentance of sin. It follows instruction in the Holy Scriptures and acceptance of their teaching. ---Fundamental Beliefs, 14



Tell or write two ways that show what it means to believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism.
Tell or write about a time when you saw someone show they believed and followed Bible teaching of Baptism.
Tell or write about when you showed that you believed and followed the Bible teaching of Baptism.
Tell or write about when you saw the hurt and unhappiness when someone didn’t believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism.
How do you think God feels when He sees people who believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism?
How do you feel or act when you follow the Bible teaching of Baptism?
Tell two ways that you can show you believe the Bible teaching of Baptism.
What makes you want to follow the Bible teaching of Baptism?
What is the opposite of believing and following the Bible teaching of Baptism? Who makes us act or believe that way?
Finish the sentence: We can show we believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism when we..........

Why does God care if I believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism?
What difference does it make whether I believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism or not?
What effect would it have on my future if I did not believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism?
How would people treat me differently if I did or didn’t believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism?
How would I feel about myself if I did or did not believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism?
Give some reasons why you think it is best to believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism.
Why would someone do differently?
What makes choosing to believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism better than the opposite?
List some ways that a person might believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism without anyone noticing?
List 3 situations where a person could believe the Bible teaching of Baptism and show it in his work, home, or at the shopping mall.
Is it possible for a person to get better at believing and following the Bible teaching of Baptism? Explain.
Can you think of someone who seems good at believing and following the Bible teaching of Baptism? What makes them better at it?
How could you learn to be better at believing and following the Bible teaching of Baptism?
How often do you show that you believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism? Think of the last three times and tell me.
Do you like to join in when people believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism? How have you joined in?

High school:
Would you practice believing and following the Bible teaching of Baptism if no one were checking on you? Your parents, school, or the law?
What is the alternative to believing and following the Bible teaching of Baptism and what do you see as the results of that choice?
Would you recognize it if someone were not fully believing and following the Bible teaching of Baptism? How?
Would you keep quiet if someone paid you a lot of money not to believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism?
Are you proud to believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism and willing to tell others how you feel?
If someone in a group spoke out against believing and following the Bible teaching of Baptism would you speak up to give the other side?
Are you willing to put some of your money toward helping people believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism, in your city, class, work?
Can you say that believing and following the Bible teaching of Baptism has become a habit? How often do you show your belief?
What effect do you think believing and following the Bible teaching of Baptism will have on your future life?
Do you see your family believing and following the Bible teaching of Baptism? How about your church, city, or nation?
What do you think should be done to promote believing and following the Bible teaching of Baptism in your family, friends, church, city, nation?
Does it make much difference if they believe and follow the Bible teaching of Baptism or not?