Because I value myself as a child of God, I choose to be a person of virtue.


How To Be A Person of Virtue

Appropriate Dress


God wants me to represent Him in how I am dressed and groomed. He wants people to see His character in me and not be distracted by fads, immodesty, or expensive clothes.


I choose to be appropriately dressed.


Appropriate dress related virtues: Modest, without extremes

Appropriate dress means: Choosing to select clothes that will healthful, modest, economical and in good taste for occasion, avoiding fads and extremes that might associate the person with the undesirable. Choosing to avoid jewelry and makeup that would call attention to the external rather than the internal character of the person. Avoiding extreme hair cuts and styles that would distract from the witness and testimony of a Christian.

Artwork Music

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Jesus Paid it All, SDAH, 108
O Praise Ye the Lord, SDAH, 18
I Will Wear a Robe
Shall We Gather at the River?, SDAH, 219
A Child of the King, SDAH, 229

Student Life Applications

Choose your clothes according to appropriateness rather than price.

Choosing a medium length dress rather than a very short one.
Choosing a "covering" bathing suit rather than "strings".

Bible, E.G. White

I Timothy 2:9 that women adorn themselves in motdest apparel
I Peter 3:3, 5 Whose adorning, let it not be that outward adorning.......

“Virtue and modesty are rare. I appeal to you as followers of Christ, making an exalted profession, to cherish the
precious, priceless gem of modesty. This will guard virtue. If you have any hope of being finally exalted to join the company of the pure, sinless angels, and to live in an atmosphere where there is not the least taint of sin, cherish modesty and virtue.” 2T 458
“You must learn to cultivate modesty in speaking. Self must be subdued and kept in subjection. 2T 164
“In educating their children correctly.... Teach them to act with reserve and modesty 2T 460

Reinforcing Stories

"Jewels", "Dirty clothes", 48 Attention Getters, by Bobetta Berthelsen.
"The Fountain of Beauty", Volume One, Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories
"Della's Ornaments", "The New Hat", "How the twins painted their cheeks", Treasury of Devotional Aids for Home and School

Student Activities

1. Look up costume in the encyclopedia and notice the changes over the years.
2. Have a Career Day when students may dress like the career of their parents or a friend.
3. Gather clothing for needy children.


Links to the Curriculum

English: We choose appropriately between formal and informal writing just as we choose appropriate clothing.
Home Economics: Quality is more important than quantity as Jesus had one robe valuable enough to auction off.
Math: Geometric figures add beauty to surrounding even so geometric designs may add beauty to our clothing.
Social Studies: National costumes depict culture and beauty. Christian dress depicts Christian culture and Christian beauty.


48 Attention Getters, by Bobetta Berthelsen. PPPA, 1986.
Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories. Review and Herald Publishing Association. 1964
Treasury of Devotional Aids for Home and School by Department of Education of General Conference of SDA, 1951


Tell or write about a time when you saw someone appropriately dressed.
Tell or write about when you saw the hurt and unhappiness when someone was not appropriately dressed.
How do you think God feels when He sees people who are appropriately dressed.?
How do you feel when you are appropriately dressed.?
Tell two ways that you can be appropriately dressed.
What makes you want to be appropriately dressed.?
What is the opposite of appropriately dressed.? Who makes us act that way?
Finish the sentence: We can be appropriately dressed. when we..........

Why does God care if I am appropriately dressed.?
What difference does it make whether I am appropriately dressed. or not?
What effect would it have on my future if I did not choose to be appropriately dressed.?
How would people treat me differently if I did or didn’t choose to be appropriately dressed.?
How would I feel about myself if I did or did not choose to be appropriately dressed.?
Give some reasons why you think it is best to be appropriately dressed.. Why would someone do differently?
What makes choosing to be appropriately dressed. better than the opposite?
List some ways that a person might be appropriately dressed. without anyone noticing?
List 3 situations where a person could be appropriately dressed. in his work, home, or at the shopping mall.
Is it possible for a person to get better at being appropriately dressed.? Explain.
Can you think of someone who seems good at being appropriately dressed.? What makes them better at it?
How could you learn to be better at appropriateness?
Do you like to join in when people are appropriately dressed? How have you joined in?

High school:
Would you practice appropriate dress. if no one was checking on you? Your parents, school, or the law?
What is the alternative to appropriate dress and what do you see as the results of that choice?
Would you recognize it if someone was not appropriately dressed? How?
Would you keep quiet if someone paid you a lot of money not to be appropriately dressed.?
Are you proud to be appropriately dressed and willing to tell others how you feel?
If someone in a group spoke out against appropriate dress would you speak up to give the other side?
Are you willing to put some of your money toward supporting appropriate dress in your city, class, work?
Can you say that being appropriately dressed has become a habit? How often are you that way?
What effect do you think appropriate dress will have on your future life?
Do you see your family practicing appropriate dress? How about your church, city, or nation?
What do you think should be done to promote appropriate dress in your family, friends, church, city, nation?
Does it make much difference if they are appropriately dressed or not?