Because I value my body as Christ's temple, I choose to achieve and maintain optimum physical, mental, and spiritual health.


How To Be Healthy



God's ideal is for me to get sufficient rest and sleep. It renews my strength and increases my ability to better do His work.


I choose to get sufficient rest.



Rest related virtues: Change of activity, periodic breaks, quietness, sleep, to cease from something

Rest means: to cease working, so as to refresh oneself, to cease from effort or activity for a time.


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My Faith Has Found a Resting Place, SDAH 523

Student Life Applications

Contrast a tired and exhausted student with a happy relaxed student after finishing studies.
Plan ‘rest and stretch’ time into long sessions of anything.
Balance exercise times with quiet times.


Bible, E.G. White

Genesis 2:2 God rested from all his work which He had created and made.
Exodus 33:14 My presence shall go with thee and I will give thee rest
Psalm 127:2 For so he giveth his beloved sleep.
Proverbs 3:24 (I will lay down in peace, knowing God care, and I will sleep and not be afraid.)
Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, ...... and I will give you rest.

“They should seek rest of body and mind from wearing labor when they can..... for they will be obliged to exercise all the strength they have.” 1T 206
“The importance of regularity in the time for eating and sleeping should not be overlooked. Since the work of building up the body takes place during the hours of rest, it is essential, especially in youth, that sleep should be regular and abundant.” ED 205
“ Jesus bade His disciples, come apart and rest awhile........ In a life wholly devoted to the good of others, the Savior found it necessary to turn aside from ceaseless activity and contact with human needs, to seek retirement and unbroken communion with His Father........... All who are under the training of God need the quiet hour for communion with their own hearts, with nature and with God............. Amidst the hurrying throng, and the strain of life’s intense activities, he who is thus refreshed, will be surrounded with an atmosphere of light and peace.” Health and Happiness pp .20-21.
“Regularity should be the rule in all the habits of children.” CDF 242.


Reinforcing Stories

James White’s health deteriorated because of working too hard without enough time for rest.
“Why Harry was Drowsy”, Treasury of Devotional Aids for home and school

Student Activities

Write down the activities of one day to analyze the portions of restfulness.
Discuss the value of rest in relation to our walk with God.
Chart your hours of actual sleep

List activities that you can do as a “change of activity”
Draw a picture of a serene, restful place.


Links to the Curriculum

English: Just as our sentences need punctuation, likewise our bodies need rest.
Technology: As batteries need recharging our lives need recharging.
PE: Exercise is necessary to keep our muscles fit. In the same way rest is necessary to keep our bodies fit.


Treasury of Devotional Aids for Home and school by Department of Education of General Conference of SDA. 1951
Nelson, Wilbur K., How to Feel Better and Live Longer
White, Ellen G., Health and Happiness
Sawatsky, Dawna, Handy Guide for Teaching Kids About Health, Life Education, 3500 Treetop Lane, Willits CA 95490. 1998.
Stober, Iris Hayden and Barry H. Wecker, The Church Health Educator, Adventist Health Department, Wahroonga 2076 Australia. Copyright © The General Conference of SDA. 1989. (May be purchased from the SSD Health Department for $10.00US)
My Body Temple, Teacher’s Manual and Felt Set. (Available at SSD Health Department).



Tell or write about a time when you saw someone rest.
Tell or write about when you saw the hurt and unhappiness when someone could not rest.
How do you think God feels when He sees people who are resting?
How do you feel when you are resting?
Tell two ways that you can rest.
What makes you want to rest?
What is the opposite of rest? Who makes us act that way?
Finish the sentence: We can rest when we..........

Why does God care if I rest?
What difference does it make whether I rest or not?
What effect would it have on my future if I did not choose to rest?
How would people treat me differently if I did or didn’t choose to rest?
How would I feel about myself if I did or did not choose to rest?
Give some reasons why you think it is best to rest. Why would someone do differently?
What makes choosing to rest better than the opposite?
List some ways that a person might rest without anyone noticing?
List 3 situations where a person could rest in his work, home, or at the shopping mall.
Is it possible for a person to get better at resting? Explain.
Can you think of someone who seems good at resting? What makes them better at it?
How could you learn to be better at resting?
How often do you rest? Think of the last three times and tell me.

High school:
Would you practice resting if no one was checking on you? Your parents, school, or the law?
What is the alternative to rest and what do you see as the results of that choice?
Would you recognize it if someone was not fully rested? How?
Would you keep quiet if someone paid you a lot of money not to be rest?
If someone in a group spoke out against resting would you speak up to give the other side?
What effect do you think rest will have on your future life?
Do you see your family practicing rest? How about your church, city, or nation?
What do you think should be done to promote rest in your family, friends, church, city, nation?
Does it make much difference if they are rested or not?