Because I value my body as Christ's temple, I choose to achieve and maintain optimum physical, mental, and spiritual health.


How To Be Healthy

Fresh Air


God's ideal is for me to deeply breathe fresh air. It purifies my blood and clears my brain and gives me strength to serve Him.


I choose to deeply breathe fresh air.



Fresh Air related terms: mountain air, ocean air,


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Breathe on Me, SDAH, 265

Student Life Applications

Because my body needs fresh air to be healthy, I will:

Plan outside activities and breath deeply each day;
Make sure the room where I am has good ventilation;
Let some fresh air into my room when I sleep;
Avoid places that are smokey or dusty;
Avoid practices like smoking that will pollute the good air reaching my lungs;


Bible, E.G. White

Genesis 2:7 and the Lord . . . breathed into his nostrils the breath of life
Genesis 1:6-8 and God called the firmament Heaven
I Corinthians 6:19 Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit

Air is the free blessing of heaven, calculated to electrify the whole system. Without it the system will be filled with disease and become dormant, languid, feeble.” 1T 702
“The influence of pure, fresh air is to cause the blood to circulate healthfully through the system. It refreshes the body and tends to render it strong and healthy, while at the same time its influence is decidedly felt upon the mind, imparting a degree of composure and serenity. It excites the appetite, and renders the digestion of food more perfect, and induces sound and sweet sleep.” 1T 702
Attention should be given also to sunlight and ventilation, the hygiene of the sleeping room and the kitchen.”
ED 200
“How glad would they be to sit in the open air, rejoice in the sunshine, and breathe the fragrance of tree and flower! There are life-giving properties in the balsam of the pine, in the fragrance of the cedar and the fir, and other trees also have properties that are health restoring.” MH 264
“They might have come from school with increased physical as well as mental strength, had they pursued their studies under proper conditions, with regular exercise in the sunlight and the open air.” ED 208
“Pure air and water, cleanliness, a proper diet, purity of life, and a firm trust in God are remedies for the want of which thousands are dying; yet these remedies are going out of date because their skillful use requires work that the people do not appreciate. Fresh air, exercise, pure water, and clean, sweet premises are within the reach of all with but little expense,” 5T 443


Reinforcing Stories

“Fresh air Demonstration”, Treasury of Devotional Aids for Home and School

Student Activities

Visit the mountains and breathe the air there.
Visit the ocean and breathe the air there.
Notice the difference of the air at school when the wind is blowing
Breathe deeply when the air is the freshest.
Find information concerning the number of deaths from respiratory diseases in the last year.
Have students contact their local Cancer Society requesting information about the effects on the body of smoking.


Links to the Curriculum

Biology: Just as pollution contaminates the air, sin can contaminate our lives.


Treasury of Devotional Aids for Home and School by Department of Education of General Conference of SDA. 1951
Sawatsky, Dawna, Handy Guide for Teaching Kids About Health, Life Education, 3500 Treetop Lane, Willits CA 95490. 1998.
Stober, Iris Hayden and Barry H. Wecker, The Church Health Educator, Adventist Health Department, Wahroonga 2076 Australia. Copyright © The General Conference of SDA. 1989. (May be purchased from the SSD Health Department for $10.00US)
My Body Temple, Teacher’s Manual and Felt Set. (Available at SSD Health Department).


Tell or write about when you saw the hurt and unhappiness when someone was not getting fresh air.
How do you feel when you are in fresh air?
What makes you want fresh air?
What is the opposite of fresh air? Who makes us act that way?
Finish the sentence: We can breathe fresh air when we..........

Why does God care if I breathe fresh air?
What difference does it make whether I breathe fresh air or not?
What effect would it have on my future if I did not choose to breathe fresh air?
Give some reasons why you think it is best to breathe fresh air. Why would someone do differently?
What makes choosing to breathe fresh air better than the opposite?
How often do you breathe fresh air? Think of the last three times and tell me.

High school:
Are you willing to put some money toward supporting fresh air in your city, class, work?