ETHICAL VIRTUE GROUP Because I value moral excellence as Christ's way, I choose to make decisions based on ethical principles. |
How To Make Good Decisions Safety God is my protector. He watches over me and guides me to health and safety. |
I choose
what is safe. |
Safety related virtues: Assurance, caution, security Safety means: Concern for health and life of fellow students
Artwork | Music |
See flipchart
Safe in the Arms of Jesus, SDAH |
Keep sharp or dangerous things out of the reach of children;
“Our only safety is in constant distrust of self,
and dependence on Christ.” COL 155 |
The Children’s Hour I, pg. 149; II, pg. 165; III, pgs.
37, 133, 151; IV, pg. 109; V, pgs. 67, 91 by Arthur S. Maxwell
Biology: An octopus defends himself by covering himself with fluid
we defend ourselves by covering our minds with Scripture.
The Children’s Hour, by Arthur S. Maxwell, R&H. 1945
Great Stories for Kids, by Jerry Thomas, PPPA. 1993
Evaluation |
Primary: Middle: High school: