Because I value moral excellence as Christ's way, I choose to make decisions based on ethical principles.


How To Make Good Decisions


God created all nature to work together, each thing with its special task to do. The environment is precious.

I choose to practice good ecology.


Ecology means: concern for the environment. God carefully balanced all the natural resources. Then He gave man control over it all. Sin has made some problems but we should do our best to maintain as much balance in nature as is possible.

Artwork Music

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Every Flower that Grows, SDAH 550
All Things Bright and Beautiful, SDAH 93
This is My Father’s World, SDAH 92
Spring has now Unwrapped the Flowers, SDAH 95
Nature with Open Volume Stands, SDAH 94

Student Life Applications

1 Students watering flowers around the school
2 Students cleaning the classroom
3 (Not) students throwing trash out of the bus window
4 (Not) student pouring paint down a drain pipe
5 Students planting a tree and flowers around the school


Bible, E.G. White

Genesis 1:28 , 29 . . . . Your descendants will live all over the earth and bring it under control. I am putting you in charge of the fish, the birds, and the wild animals. . .

“In our labor we are to be workers together with God. He gives us the earth and its treasures; but we must adapt them to our use and comfort.” ED 214
“The very atmosphere of the cities is polluted. . . . From the standpoint of health the smoke and dust of the cities are very objectionable.” 7T 82


Reinforcing Stories

“Choosing Our Path”, Treasury of Devotional Aids for Home and School. There are at lest 15 stories about animals and plants in this book.

Student Activities

1. Plant a tree
2. Share flowers with someone
3. Plant a garden
4. Help someone with their garden
5. Assist in a clean-up-the-neighborhood project
6. Collect leaves or flowers to study the intricate design in each

Links to the Curriculum

Biology: God told Adam to care for the earth, we too should care for our environment. Genesis 2:15
Physics: Our behavior affects both the earth and our lives. We must deal with trash in each.



Treasury of Devotional Aids for Home and School by the Department of Education of the General Conference of SDA. R&H. 1951

Statement on Stewardship of the Environment
It is the belief of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that humankind was created in the image of God, and is thus to represent God as His steward and to manage the natural environment in a faithful and fruitful way. Nature is a gift from God. Unfortunately, men and women have been increasingly involved in an irresponsible destruction of the earth's resources, resulting in widespread suffering, environmental degradation, and the threat of climate change.
While scientific research needs to continue, it is clear from the accumulated evidence that the increasing emission of destructive gasses, the massive destruction of the American rain forests, and the depletion of the protective mantel of ozone (the so-called greenhouse effect), are all threatening the earth's eco-system. There are dire predictions of global warming, rising sea levels, increasing frequency of storms and destructive floods, and devastating desertification and droughts.
These problems are largely due to human selfishness and greed which result in ever increasing production, unlimited consumption, and depletion of nonrenewable resources. Solidarity with future generations is discussed, but the pressure of immediate interests is given priority. The ecological crisis is rooted in humankind's greed and refusal to practice good and faithful stewardship.
The government and people of Costa Rica are to be commended for their support of a comprehensive policy of sustainable development in harmony with nature.
Seventh-day Adventism advocates a simple, wholesome lifestyle, where people do not step on the treadmill of unbridled over-consumption, accumulation of goods, and production of waste. A reformation of lifestyle is called for, based on respect for nature, restraint in the use of the world's resources, reevaluation of one's needs, and reaffirmation of the dignity of created life.

This statement was approved and voted by the General Conference of
Seventh-day Adventists Administrative Committee (ADCOM) for release
by the Office of the President, Robert S. Folkenberg, at the Annual
Council session in San Jose, Costa Rica, October 1-10, 1996.


Tell or write two ways that show that God is interested in ecology.
How do you think God feels when He sees people who are ecology minded?
How do you feel when you are ecology minded?
Tell two ways that you can show good ecology.
What makes you want to be ecologically minded?
What is the opposite of good ecology? Who makes us act that way?

What difference does it make whether I am ecologically minded or not?
What effect would it have on my future if I did not choose to care for the ecology?
Give some reasons why you think it is best to be ecologically minded. Why would someone do differently?
List some ways that a person might be ecological without anyone noticing?
List 3 situations where a person could be ecological in his work, home, or at the shopping mall.
Can you think of someone who seems good at being ecological? What makes them better at it?
How could you learn to be better at ecology?
Do you like to join in when people are being ecology conscious? How have you joined in?

High school:
Would you practice ecology if no one was checking on you? Your parents, school, or the law?
What is the alternative to good ecology and what do you see as the results of that choice?
Would you keep quiet if someone paid you a lot of money not to be ecological?
Are you proud to be ecology minded and willing to tell others how you feel?
If someone in a group spoke out against good ecology would you speak up to give the other side?
Are you willing to put some of your money toward supporting good ecology in your city, class, work?
Can you say that being ecological has become a habit? How often are you that way?
What effect do you think good ecology will have on your future life?
Do you see your family practicing good ecology others? How about your church, city, or nation?
What do you think should be done to promote ecology in your family, friends, church, city, nation?